Saturday, September 24, 2011

A lady always knows when to leave.

Yesterday was the Autumn Equinox. This morning, there was a new dusting of snow on the mountain peaks around Sitka:
The summer season has come to and end, and it's time to go home. I don't like goodbyes, but sometimes it's good to leave. It has been a hard summer, but I have to acknowledge that my time here has been a very important learning experience. I am thankful for the wonderful, generous people I have met, especially John and Alison Dunlap. They have been great mentors and they have made me feel like a part of their family. They even helped me plan my return trip and have loaned me a SPOT device so they can track me as I make my way through Canada. The SPOT also has an emergency button, in case I get into trouble.

Today was my last day of work. We had a kayak sale and sold all but one after only an hour and a half. Today was also the Running of the Boots, and end of season celebration that takes place every year. People dress up in crazy costumes and run through town in their Xtra-Tuf boots. There was a new component this year called "Bike to the Boots" that I helped organize. We had information tables about local environmental issues and a bicycle service station. This was my first experience as a community organizer and it was a lot of fun. Also, I got free grilled black cod tips for being a volunteer. YUM. I think Black Cod is my favorite fish. I like it more than salmon, believe it or not. Here are a few pictures from the event:

I organized a bike service station for the event. Here's Eric our mechanic:
 Michelle (red hair) and I set up information tables:
 The final farmer's market of the summer was also part of the event:

 Eric working on a sick bike:
 Me, Kerry, and Michelle discussing something:
 Some wacky dude playing with our globe. The bumper sticker on his shirt says, "Friends don't let friends EAT FARMED FISH"
 Me, announcing that it's time for the community picture. It kinda looks like I'm singing with the band.
 Everybody getting together:
It was an eventful day. This afternoon, I went for a walk through town with my camera to take my last pictures of Sitka. I'll post those soon.
Tomorrow, I pack everything up and hang out at Alison and John's house until ferry time: 3 am. Then I'm off, sailing down the Inside Passage for Prince Rupert.


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