Friday, September 30, 2011

Party in the USA

Yesterday I awoke to a beautiful sunrise in 100 Mile House and a delicious breakfast at the Willows. I chatted with Brian and Marilyn over coffee and then hit the road at 8. The ride was gorgeous. I haven't had this many days of consistent sunshine in a while. I travelled down highway 97 through a river valley. It's the same trail that gold miner hopefuls used back in the day.
 I had to stop several times just to take pictures.
 My faithful car:

 And then I crossed the border. Again, it was very easy. They didn't even ask if I had weapons. They just asked if I bought anything while in Canada. NOPE. I didn't tell him about the fruit and honey I got by a roadside stand.
I could see Mt. Baker from Canada, the only thing around that was covered in snow.
And then I made it to Bellingham! And Angela! Angela, Zach, and I went to the outdoor market for dinner fixin's. Here they are with a 17 lb cabbage:
One day it will be sauerkraut. Zach made ratatouille and Angela and I made a salad. It was so good catching up with that girl and meeting Zach! This morning we made oatmeal with raisins, dried blueberries, coconut, almond butter, and peaches. And coffee. 
I feel renewed already.

Now off to pick up Mamma at the Seattle airport!


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